if i had a parrot named TOM what shouldi it's proper name be?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Good Day form Dreary Washington DC

Hello, this is Georgette with my wonderful friend Martha. Welcome. Please take time to vote on our poll and eat lots of turkey. I dont know about you...but I'm Stuffed! It is very dreary out here. there is nothing to do... More Later


Monday, October 6, 2008

Who We Are

Good Day. We are Martha and Georgette Washington. Welcome to our humble blog. We hope you enjoy it.
Martha is well, Martha
And it is the same with Georgette.

We are very proper, so you will never see us doing anything unproper.

More Later

Georgette Washington

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tea! " the colonial gatorade"

Yes we are colonial and we like tea
Boston Tea party, thats right!

Now Gatorade is like a thumbs down! :)